Profile PictureSkaila

Twitch Stream Package "Purple Space"

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Twitch Stream Package "Purple Space"

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Purple Space stream pack

In this Pack :

► 1 Offline screen
► 1 Animated starting screen
► 1 Animated ending screen
► 1 Animated be right back screen

► 3 Animated Overlays just chatting with cam and chat (it's the same overlay but with different icons, to let you choose what you want to display)
► 3 Animated Overlays just chatting with cam, chat and window (it's the same overlay but with different icons, to let you choose what you want to display)
► 2 Cameras overlays (16:9 and 4:3)
► 3 Information bars overlays (it's the same overlay but with different icons too)
► 1 transition stinger with sound effect

► 34 panels
- About me
- Artwork
- Commands
- Contact
- Discord
- Donate
- Emotes
- Facebook
- Friends
- Games
- Giveaway
- Goals
- Instagram
- Links
- Merch
- Patreon
- Playlist
- Rules
- Schedule
- Setup
- Shop
- Snapchat
- Socials
- Spotify
- Steam
- Subscribe
- Tiktok
- Tips
- Twitter
- Website
- Wishlist
- Youtube
- An empty panel

► 9 animated alerts ( Duration 6s ) + 9 animated alerts ( Duration 14s )
- New follow
- New subscriber
- New host
- New donation
- New cheer
- New raid
- New resubscriber
- New Sub gift
- New Community Gifts

► Informations :
-Instant download file .zip
-Images are in .png
-Animated screens in .webm
-Alerts in .webm
-Transition stinger in .webm

► Make sure that the platform you are using for alerts does support video files WebM ( Streamlabs and StreamElements are fully supported )

► Files are for personal use ONLY - do not resell, redistribute, repackage or transfer this product. Copyright is retained by the artist, myself.

► I do not accept returns, refunds, cancellations, or exchanges - Don't hesitated to contact me if you have any problems with the order! :)

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Twitch Pack Purple Space

10.5 MB
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